+78122449964  +78005508433
(звонок бесплатный по всей России)
ул. Льва Толстого, д. 9
e-mail.: info@iclass.ru

For partners

IClass Education Group is an education abroad agency based in St. Petersburg, Russia. The company was founded in 1998 by the group of professionals with great experience in education abroad. The services provided to our clients include consultancy in all questions of education abroad, assistance in choosing right institutions and programmes, supervising application process, maintaning contact with chosen educational institutions, looking after clients' interests, certified translations of all the documents, full assistance in visa process, help with accommodation and air tickets. Overall, we provide full support to all our clients, we really care about them in both professionally and personally. 

Why clients choose us?

As mentioned above, IClass is one of the oldest and most experienced agencies in St.Petersburg and the region which means that we really know practically everything about education in those countries that we send students to and we always monitor any changes and news to have the most up-to-date information. Our staff are qualified professionals and attentive careful people. We do know how important education is for all the people who come to us, we treat all of them personally, give full support and act in their interests always. 

What countries do we work with?

Our main destinations are Europe, USA and Canada. The full list of countries we work with is the following:
  • the UK
  • Ireland
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • France
  • the Netherlands
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden
  • the Czech Republic
  • Malta
  • Cyprus
  • the USA
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • China
  • Hong Kong 

What programmes do we work with?

We offer our students different levels of programmes. Our main sphere is higher education: Undergraduate programmes, Postgraduate programmes, MBA, different kinds of preparational programmes: Foundation, Pre-Masters, Pre-Sessional, Pathway programmes, language for academic purposes etc. We also deal with boarding schools that provide GCSE, A-level, IB and other programmes of secondary education.

Our partnerships

We are proud to have partner educational institutions all over the world. At the same time we do not tend to have as many partners as possible. Our partners are our good friends with whom we plan mutual promotion activities together and are always in touch. We are glad to consider partnership opportunities with any educational institution that is interested in having partner agency in St.Petersburg.

IClass School of Foreign Languages

In 2000 our IClass School of Foreign Languages was established. Since then and till nowadays the agency and the school have been working together in close cooperation. The school specialisation is preparation for international language examinations: IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, DELE, TestDaf, DELF, DALF and many others. We understand that any kind of education abroad is impossible without sufficient level of foreign language. For that reason our school is so important in our work.

Our marketing strategies

IClass is a very active and constantly developing agency with impressive marketing policy. Some years ago we started doing our own marketing events with participation of our partners or by ourselves: education fairs, seminars, presentations, open lectures, master classes. Our events are mainly narrow-targeted and devoted to a particular country or educational institution. That allows educators not to spend their precious time for those who are not interested in their offers and focus on prospective students only. At the same time, audience at our events know very well that they will receive necessary information at our events. 
Already for several years we have arranged IClass UKFair (twice a year), IClass Dutch Fair (once or twice a year), American Education Day (each October) and a wide range of presentations of educational institutions, seminars of education opportunities in different countries. Every year we arrange more and more events and are open for any new ideas and initiatives. With IClass our partners can strenghen their presence on Russian market significantly.
We also regulary print our IClass Catalogue of higher education where our partners are presented.
The latest version of the catalogue can be found If you are interested in being included into the next edition of the catalogue (will be issued by spring 2019), please contact our marketing department (contacts can be found below).

Specifications of St.Petersburg market

St.Petersburg market is unique and has its own peculiarities and features as well as, probably, any other market. It is different in comparison with other regions of Russia, too. Here people who are thinking of studying abroad take it very seriously and need really much time to think about everything very carefully. There are many students who ask for detailed information while they plan to apply in some years only. If a student and family decide to go to an agency, they will visit many different companies before making their final choice.

IClass contacts

General Director - Ms Ekaterina Berezina, e.berezina@iclass.ru
Senior Manager - Ms Viktoria Shamshur, educa@iclass.ru
Marketing department - marketing@iclass.ru  

Our address:
Ulitsa L'va Tolstogo, 9
St.Petersburg, Russia
tel. +78123209971, +78122449964

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